Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good News

(1) We got the house inspected and we close on May 15th!! 5 weeks!!!

(2) There is a job opening for Chad's job here at St. Michaels - let's hope that works out too.

Happy Easter to all. May your day be filled with marshmellow peeps and chocolate bunnies -


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Coffee and Gilmore Girls

Good news:
The house has officially been appraised, and it appraised for more than we signed the contract for.

Next and last step:
The Inspection

Our whole family (husband, wife, and puppies) are all together for the next four days. Chad is at school right now so I am eating blueberry muffins, drinking coffee, and watching Gilmore Girls.

Kris Allen was definately the best on American Idol last night - yay for Conway!

that's all for now - B